Carlos Braceras

Executive Director, Utah Department of Transportation
Utah Governor Gary Herbert appointed Carlos Braceras to serve as Utah Department of Transportation executive director on May 6, 2013. Former UDOT Executive Director John Njord appointed Braceras to deputy director in May 2001. At the time, he was the director of UDOT’s Region 3.
Braceras also worked on the Legacy Parkway/I-15 North Project, where he was responsible for development of the environmental documents, design–build contracts, and construction of both facilities. In 1998, he was named “State of Utah Governor’s Manager of the Year” and received the “UDOT Leader of the Year” award.
Braceras received a Bachelor’s degree in geology from the University of Vermont and a Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Utah.
He currently serves as chair of the AASHTO Design Subcommittee, chair of the Center for Environmental Excellence Advisory Board, chair of the TRB Executive Committee, member of the board of directors and past president of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, member of the board of directors and past president of the Western Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, past chair of ITS America, and past chair of RUC West.